Talk to the guys! I have a problem with pandas who can’t find a solution. I have the following dataset:
I wanted to make a group where, for each year, and in each category present that year, it would add up the votes of each of these categories.
In this example output would be something like:
The problem that always when I call . groupby trying to pass the genres it gives me the error Typeerror: unhashable type: 'list'
One thing I have is a list of all the generos in the dataframe, I don’t know if it will help
Here Cód q I am using. The mentioned dataset is obtained from qtdgeneroyearv2
qtdgeneroyearv2 = pd.DataFrame(dataframefilmes)
qtdgeneroyearv2[['genres', 'year', 'votes']].groupby(['year', 'genres']).sum()
Someone to give me a light? Thank you!
Hello hello hello, you need to share more data, the code you are using...only two tables is not enough...however, take a look at this topic that can help you.... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22219004/grouping-rows-in-list-in-pandas-groupby
– Ernesto Casanova
Hi Ernesto. Thanks for the answer. The submitted topic is different because it takes the data groups in list. And what I need to do is the opposite; take what’s on a list and add.
– Pingam
The code I’m using is pretty simple, so I didn’t think it made much sense to put it, but here it is: qtdgeneroyearv2 = pd.Dataframe(dataframefilms) qtdgeneroyearv2[['genres', 'year', 'votes']]. groupby(['year', 'genres']). sum() Hence I get : unhashable type: 'list'
– Pingam