Spring boot: Unable to find or load main class


Viewed 471 times


It’s been a while since I’ve used Spring. I changed the name of the controller package and the application doesn’t want to run anymore. erro no aparecendo no console

antes estava trajes.trajes

On the second underscored red image was costume.costumes the package name and changed to costume.controller. What I did wrong?

2 answers


I found my own mistake,when I went to refactor I did not rename correctly. I gave Rename directory and not Rename package. The right one is Rename package. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


The problem is in the Trajesapplication class.

You need to move it to the folder with costumes system

Note that this package no longer exists: with.system.trajes.trates, your Trajesapplication file was there, and you moved into the Controller package.

And that’s what Intelij is complaining about

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