Recover values passed by Jquey on an ASP page


Viewed 105 times


Dear friends,

I am with a big problem, I created a page that loads more values (load more) where I enter values via Jquery and recover in another ASP page through request example:

page_number = Request("page")

View the Jquery code:

$(document).ready(function() {


var track_click = 0; //track user click on "load more" button, righ now it is 0 click

var register_per_page = 8;

var total_pages = 3,625;

$('#results').load("links_mais.asp", {'page':track_click, 'reg_per_page':register_per_page}, function() {track_click++;}); //initial data to load

$(".load_more").click(function (e) { //user clicks on button

    $(this).hide(); //hide load more button on click
    $('.animation_image').show(); //show loading image

    if(track_click <= total_pages) //user click number is still less than total pages
        //post page number and load returned data into result element
        $.post('links_mais.asp',{'page': track_click, 'reg_per_page':register_per_page}, function(data) {

            $(".load_more").show(); //bring back load more button

            $("#results").append(data); //append data received from server

            //scroll page smoothly to button id
            $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: $("#ate_aqui").offset().top}, 500);

            //hide loading image
            $('.animation_image').hide(); //hide loading image once data is received

            track_click++; //user click increment on load button

        }).fail(function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { //any errors?
            alert(thrownError); //alert with HTTP error
            $(".load_more").show(); //bring back load more button
            $('.animation_image').hide(); //hide loading image once data is received

        if(track_click >= total_pages-1) //compare user click with page number
            //reached end of the page yet? disable load button
            $(".load_more").attr("disabled", "disabled");


Watch the lines:

var register_per_page = 8;

var total_pages = 3,625;

These values are passed to the file: links_more.Asp.

On my offline server runs normal, but online no.

Why does this happen? Does anyone know how to say?

Thank you for your attention.

  • 1

    On your online server, you have already tried to access the page links_mais.asp on the server passing the same parameters that the jQuery request passes? What happens?

  • For security reasons the server may not only use Request(). Try using Request.Form of your data is sent via POST, or the Request.QueryString if your donor is sent via GET

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