I can’t start development on React-Native in any way


Viewed 436 times


Personal I am with a problem will be that you could help me because for the same I have not found the solution.

I am not able to run any application in React-Native because it always gives the same error. (this one in the image "Unable load a script...")(I’ve tried it on android studio Avd and on my personal phone and the error persists)

Searching the net I saw a possible solution that is to run the Bundle in the hand because it is not starting in the metro Bundle using this following command

React-Native Bundle --Platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --Bundle-output android/app/src/main/Assets/index.android.Bundle --Assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

performing this command I can start the application in simulators and mobile, so that in case of updating the code using hot Reload, pressing RR or "Ctrl m Reload" appears the second error(in the second image "could not conect to a develoment...")

Having me for each update in the code run again the Bundle command and run the run-run React-Native run-android which takes 5 minutes which greatly impairs the speed of development. OBS: adb Devices command recognizes simulators and cell phone OBS 2: I tried adb command adReverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 OBS 3:This happens for any project whether new or old OBS 4: C: Users Adiel Desktop Works>React-Native info info Fetching system and Libraries information... System: OS: Windows 10 CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz Memory: 7.49 GB / 15.90 GB Binaries: Node: 12.8.0 - C: Program Files nodejs Node.EXE npm: 6.10.2 - C: Program Files nodejs npm.CMD Sdks: Android SDK: Android NDK: 20.0.5594570 Ides: Android Studio: Version AI-183.6156.11.34.5692245 OBS 5: I used the get Started from React Native to start the development this the beginning I have already formatted to the computer to clean the environment

Primeiro ERRO unable to load script

Segundo ERRO could not conect to

1 answer


Hello, this seems to me some problem with the Node.

Try turning the meter with verbose.

yarn start --verbose

Are you running the latest version of RN 0.60.5? What is your version of Node.js?

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