Angular life cycle


Viewed 441 times


I’m having some doubts about the life cycle in Angular 7, when making a request for a certain API needed before I have picked up your token that also comes through the API, in another get.

The doubt is in the sequence of things, I come from programming for SCADA systems, where everything is kind of archaic and I need to develop a touch search box in angular, so the lack of practice.

I am calling the token (which returns) after ngOnInit, but as I request the API that uses the code right away, it returns invalid due to missing token, so I believe I am lost in the lifecycle of the angular.

Requesting the token (a service.ts)

         getToken(): Observable<TokenHistorian[]> {
        return this.http.get<TokenHistorian[]>(ApiToken)
            catchError(this.handleError('getToken', []))

The model

    export class TokenHistorian{
    access_token: string;

The Component.ts

    export class PesquisahistorianComponent implements OnInit {


    valorToken: TokenHistorian[];
      tokenFinal: string;
      constructor(private _api: ApiService) { }
      ngOnInit() {
        public geraToken = async () => {
        await this._api.getToken()
        .subscribe(returntoken => {
         this.valorToken = returntoken;
         this.tokenFinal = this.valorToken['0'].access_token;
        }, err => {

The console.log below geraToken() returns as Undefined.

Resolved issue!

After some rest we always think better...

I did some research and now I can wait for the httpclient to return before proceeding with the rest of the code (still implementing a loading)

async ngOnInit() {
   await this.geraToken();

And the function becomes asynchronous (I don’t know if effectively).

public geraToken = async () => {
await this._api.getToken().then(data =>{
  this.teste =data;
  this.tokenFinal = data['0'].access_token;

The call from the API

 async getToken(): Promise<TokenHistorian[]> {
return await this.http.get<TokenHistorian[]>(ApiToken).toPromise().then();  }
  • 1

    Hello Andre. See if it works by placing the console inside a then() on the call of geraToken(). Since it is an asynchronous function, Angular may be running the console before the Token request ends. it would look something like this.geraToken().Then(() => console.log(url + this.tokenFinal));

  • 1

    I got it using async Lucas, thanks for the tips.

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