Vscode + GIT + Flutter Configuration


Viewed 2,619 times


Sirs, I am starting the studies in Flutter, I did the installation of Flutter, Dart, GIT and Vscode, when I will start the development Vscode returns me the following error:

[undefined] flutter create --ios-language objc --android-language java
'where' n�o � reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa oper�vel ou um arquivo em lotes.
Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. 
exit code 1

Could you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you

  • Which operating system?

  • I use Windows 10, 64bits @Marconi

  • @Marconi, this is what he returns to me, not that I’m creating!

  • Restarted your machine so that the environment variables can be applied?

  • No, that could be it! I’m rebooting! @Marconi

  • @Marconi did not roll face, gives the same mistake. I’ve looked for something on the internet and nothing!

  • According to this site on github: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/15047, you can add C:\Windows\System32 your PATH environment variable. You know how to do this?

  • @Marconi, I just made it and it didn’t work!

  • Forget Vscode, for a moment, try running CMD 'git version' to validate your installation and environment variable, then try running 'flutter doctor -v' and put the output in the question.

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3 answers


You do not seem to have properly configured the environment variables in the installation.

Show how you set them up, but when in doubt, forget about VS Code for a moment, and try running on CMD:

git version

To validate your installation and Git environment variable.

If it’s all right, try running on the CMD:

flutter doctor -v

And put the result of the exit to see.

If it works, your Flutter installation will be correct.

  • Good afternoon! The validation of Git ok, but not in flutter doctor: C: flutter>flutter doctor -v 'Where' is not recognized as an internal & #Xa;; or external command, a operable program, or a batch file. Error: Unable to find git in your PATH.

  • How did you download Flutter? You must have a 'flutter_console.bat', run and see the flutter doctor -v

  • Ungrateful, that when I ask to run 'fluter_console.bat' opens the CMD window and then closes! I downloaded it directly from https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows

  • When I access flutter_console.bat it only opens if I 'run as administrator' and give me the following message when I type 'flutter doctor -v', C: flutter>flutter doctor -v 'Where' is not recognized as an internal command or external, a operable program or a batch file. Error: Unable to find git in your PATH.

  • Your installation is corrupted or in some kind of trouble. Do the following, remove what you’ve created and make the installation by GIT clone, just like the site you passed recommends.

  • Beauty, I will do again the installation and return here then! Thank you

  • creates the folder 'C: src flutter', accesses it via cmd 'cd C: src flutter', and makes a git clone of the Flutter repository. 'git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git'

  • Good evening, I followed the steps but returned the following message: C: src flutter>flutter doctor 'flutter' is not recognized as an internal & #Xa; command or external, a operable program or a batch file.

  • Good evening, now returns me the following error: C: src flutter>flutter upgrade Checking Dart SDK version... 'Powershell.exe' is not recognized as an internal & #Xa; command or external, a program operable or a batch file. Error: Unable to update Dart SDK. Retrying...

  • 1

    Good morning! The installation worked, I followed your advice, uninstalled everything and reinstalled again, and added the paths in environment variables: C: src flutter bin;C: Program Files Git cmd;C: Windows System32;%SYSTEMROOT% System32 Windowspowershell v1.0;C: Users Crist Appdata Local Programs Microsoft VS Code bin - Thank You

  • Show! Apparently you were even without the windows variables in Path

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I resolved so:

i opened the file flutter_console.bat as Adm to execute the command "flutter doctor"

changed the variables of windows

C: flutter bin; C: Windows System32

%SYSTEMROOT% System32 Windowspowershell v1.0\

System Variables

C: flutter bin

C: Windows System32\


Add Below path to Environment variable

User Variables

C: flutter bin; C: Windows System32

%SYSTEMROOT% System32 Windowspowershell v1.0\

System Variables

C: flutter bin

C: Windows System32\

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