V9 - Problems with the creation of the Gprbeofcomponent object - Production


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Good afternoon, I have created a method for creating an OF, all objects associated with OF are well instantiated with the exception of Gprbeofcomponent. Locally I can run the code, but on a production server, the following message appears:

Unable to cast COM Object of type 'System. __Comobject' to interface type 'Gprbe900.Gprbeofcomponent'. This Operation failed because the Queryinterface call on the COM Component for the interface with IID '{CE40951A-994A-4404-B354-F6E21175FBDB}' failed due to the following error: No supported such interface (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).

Can help?

    Private Function criaOrdemFabrico(ByVal artigoOF As String, ByVal alternativaOF As String, ByVal qtFabricada As Double, ByVal qtNecessaria As Double, ByVal qtOrdemFabrico As Double, ByVal isOFFilho As Boolean, ByVal OFPai As String, ByVal IDEnc As String, ByVal IDLinhaEncomenda As String, ByVal entidadeEnc As String, ByVal qtdEnc As Double) As GprBEOrdemFabrico

        Dim oListaFichaTecnica As New DataTable
        Dim oOrdemFabrico As New GprBEOrdemFabrico
        Dim oOFArt As New GprBEOFArtigo
        Dim oOFEnc As New GprBEOFEncomenda
        Dim oOFOperacao As New GprBEOFOperacao
        Dim oOFCentroTrabalho As New GprBEOFCentroTrabalho
        Dim oOFComponente As New GprBEOFComponente

1 answer


Hello, I suppose this project is in VB.NET and they are using as reference the Interop’s made available by PRIMAVERA, so by the message it seems clear that the DLL’s that are registered in the production machine are different from the ones used in the project. Thus:

  • They should check the attributes below, if they are not, they should recompile the project according to the information.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Check which versions registered in the production machine, for this you can use a tool like the WITH Explorer. If they are not the same I recommend deleting them and then reinstalling the ERP.
  • Hello Sergio. Thanks for the answer. It seems to me that this could be exactly my problem. As soon as you are available to test the solution on the production server, I will send you feedback.

  • The best way to thank you is to give a shout back. You are waiting for this feedback

  • It seems fair Sergio. I just tested after your suggestion and let you know that the problem is over. Beginner’s fault. : ) Thank you for your support.

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