Delphi Rio 10.3 - Google Play API 28 Level


Viewed 1,160 times


I’m trying to publish an APP on Google Play and Google Play is returning me the following message below:

"At the moment the desired level of your app’s API is 26. However, this level needs to be at least 28 for the app to use the latest Apis, which rely on security and performance optimizations. Change the desired level of your app’s API to at least 28. Learn how to do this."

I’m using Delphi Rio 10.3 with Windows 7, I tried to change the SDK to get the latest version but it doesn’t work. Whenever I try to load the APP in Google Play comes this message.

The configuration of my SDK is according to the images below:


SDK Does anyone have any idea how to solve?

1 answer


Run bat on your PC on C: Users Public Documents Embarcadero Studio 20.0 Platformsdks android-sdk-windows tools android.bat

SDK Manager: Parte 1 SDK Manager: Parte 2 Uncheck everything by pressing Deselect ALL where I selected the photo in purple after and only mark all the boxes I selected in green now and only press Install Packages.

in your Delphi just change where marked in green android-26 for android-28 leaving equal to your photo below.

sua foto NOTE: if you still continue with the error leave everything equal to below.


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