Consumption of all dynamically allocated space in Hyper-v with freebsd


Viewed 211 times


We use Windows 2012 R2 with Hyper-V and host pfsense in it as well as other Sos.

With pfsense, it consumes the maximum size available on Windows 2012 hard drive, but real space is small.

With other systems, which are also virtual machines with dynamically allocated space this does not happen.

They would know what could be done?

1 answer


Friend this gives to the fact of the type of disk they chose when creating the server.
See, the Hyper-V te 3 options fixed, dynamic and differential.

  1. Fixed
    In this format it will already allocate all informed space from Host HD.

  2. Dynamic
    Here it will allot space as your VM grows.

  3. Differential
    In this it is necessary to already have a disk file that we call father, the father will not have modifications, everything you do again will be created in a new file. (Used mostly for labs, for example, you want to set up a lab with 3 windows server, to occupy less space creates a file only with the S.O. installed and it will be your parent disk, so create 3 VM with differential disk type and point to the parent, so you will only have 1 OS consumption in place of 3.

In your case this Pfsense was mounted using the fixed, which is normal, since the fixed offers more performance than the others.
To learn more about the subject take a look at this link.

There are ways to decrease (Shrink) the size of the disk, but you would have to first enter the VM, decrease the size of the disk inside (in Windows done by "Disk Manager" and in Linux could be done by Gparted") and then Edit the disk by Hyper-V using Shrink. This link shows with images how it can be done.
But be very careful, because by decreasing the size of the disk you may end up losing some information and corrupting the same

  • thank you very much for the reply. helped a lot

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