I have an error after closing Hibernate Session
public String listarTodosClientes() {
List<Cliente> lista = session.createCriteria(Cliente.class).list();
return lista.toString();
After Session.close() the toString() method generates an Exception. But if I remove Session.close(). The code works. And now I can leave the sitting open?
p.s: return number string was just an example. could be returning some item from the list.
Are you sure to return the
is the best solution to get a customer list?– Gustavo Cinque
I’m at this very moment with an error like yours, but in a different context, you in your "client" class have no implemented "Set" that is created because of some link that this table has with another?
– jsantos1991
Gustavo this was a summary method, because he did not want to send the whole code. I actually return a Json. And I have another problem that I will post in another question. Gson can not convert the list by calling the method, new Gson(). toJson(list) in this method occurs an Exception.
– Skywalker
jsantos has yes, already solved it in another link posted the solution. http://answall.com/questions/40334/erro-ao-construir-json-de-um-objeto-recuperado-pelo-hibernate?noredirect=1#comment79301_40334
– Skywalker