Python+HTML+Sqlalchemy error


Viewed 34 times


Hello I am trying to do a simple procedure, but I stopped at the problem below. I have the simple goal of passing a parameter and filtering a list of associates. I have the following codes:


@app.route("/listafiltrada/<int:doc>", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def listafiltrada(doc): associados = Associado.query.filter_by(Documento=doc) return render_template("listafiltrada.html", associado=associados)

This is the code that sends the parameter:

<form action="{{ url_for('listafiltrada') }}" method="GET">
        Nome<input type="text" id="doc" name="doc">
        <input type="submit" value="FILTRAR">

And this is the code you get:

    <h1>Lista Filtrada</h1>

    <form action="" method="POST">
        <table border="4">
            {% for i in associado %}
                <td>{{ i.IdAssociado }}</td>
                <td>{{ i.Nome }}</td>
                <td>{{ i.Telefone }}</td>
                <td>{{ i.Documento  }}</td>
                <td>{{ i.Email }}</td>
                <td><a href="/excluir/{{ i.IdAssociado }}">X</a></td>
                <td><a href="/atualizar/{{ i.IdAssociado }}">Atualizar</a></td>
            {% endfor %}

    <a href="/index">Voltar</a>

But when executing the procedure the following error appears: werkzeug.routing.Builderror: Could not build url for 'filtered listed' endpoint. Did you Forget to specify values ['doc']?

How do we fix this? Thank you

1 answer


Setting parameters like you created in the view requires the parameter ("doc") to be passed in the path part of the URL, not as given from a GET.

That is, this configuration is expecting something like:

http://localhost/23, but GET for the form is passing the parameter as: http://localhost/?doc=23

Change your view code to something like:

@app.route("/listafiltrada/", methods=['GET'])
def listafiltrada():
    doc = request.args.get("doc")
    if not doc:
         # redireciona para view de quando não houver o ID

    associados = Associado.query.filter_by(Documento=doc)
    return render_template("listafiltrada.html", associado=associados)
  • Hello jsbueno, thank you for your reply. It worked well, only had to change the code "doc = request.get("doc")" to "doc = request.args.get('doc')", because the system had returned me the following error: "Attributeerror: 'Request' Object has no attribute 'get'". Thank you very much!

  • This - I tidied up in the reply - I thought one thing and typed another - is that the get is used in dictionaries, and .GET is used in the request object of some other frameworks (instead of "args")

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