In a table generated from database data, I need to change to certain colors of a <td></td>
if the value of the field read in the database is as: 0 or 1. Example if the field read is in 0 the background <td></td>
turns red, if you have 1 turns blue.
My code is like this:
$cnpj = $_SESSION['CNPJ'];
try {
$pdo = new Conexao();
$resultado = $pdo->select("SELECT protocolo,nomeBoleto,categoria,hr_dt_inserido,lido FROM boletos WHERE CNPJ='$cnpj' ORDER BY hr_dt_inserido DESC");
}catch (PDOException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
//resgata os dados na tabela
foreach ($resultado as $res) {
$msg .=" <tr>";
$msg .=" <td>".$res['protocolo']."</td>";
$msg .=" <td>".$res['nomeBoleto']."</td>";
$msg .=" <td>".$res['categoria']."</td>";
$msg .=" <th>".date('d/m/Y', strtotime($res["hr_dt_inserido"]))."</th>";
$msg .= ' <td><a href="visualizar.php?protocolo=' . $res['protocolo'] . '" class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank">Visualizar</a></td>';
$msg .= ' <td><a href="download.php?protocolo='. $res['protocolo'].'" class="btn btn-primary">Download</a></td>';
$msg .=" </tr>";
$msg = "";
$msg .="Nenhum resultado foi encontrado...";
It worked perfectly, thanks again!
– Joana