INNER JOIN Horizontal Results


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I am sure it is something simple, but I am not succeeding: I will give the example.

tb_empresa e tb_contatosdaempresa

Each company has up to 8 contacts (Fields: id_company / name / phone / email)

I need to make an Inner Join in a way that for each company returned (tb_company) appear all the contacts and their respective data, but vertically, in columns, to then export to Excel !!! Type:

Line01 >> Company Name | Name Contact 01 | Phone Contact 01 | Email Contact 01 | Name Contact 02 | Phone Contact 02 | Email Contact 02...

Line02 >> Company Name | Name Contact 01 | Phone Contact 01 | Email Contact 01 | Name Contact 02 | Phone Contact 02 | Email Contact 02... Thus

Line03 >> Company Name | Name Contact 01 | Phone Contact 01 | Email Contact 01 | Name Contact 02 | Phone Contact 02 | Email Contact 02... Thus

So consectively until the eighth contact, even if you do not have 8 contacts registered for this company (In the case is blank). Because the way you’ve been doing, a line is created for each contact the company has, repeating the name of the company several times.

Can you give me a hand ???

  • Depending on the DBMS used there are tools for this. In Postgresql the function Crosstab of tablefunc can help you. Other DBMS implement Feature pivot.

  • I believe that is the way. I will study this Feature because it is Mysql. Vlws

1 answer


You can make the select so:

 SELECT e.*,
  SELECT ',' + ContatoNome AS 'data()' 
         FROM #Contato where idEmpresa = e.Id FOR XML PATH('')
) as contatos
FROM #Empresa as e

Utilize this site to test.

I was taking a look at the documentation of the pivot function but I don’t think it will suit you either.
As your goal is to export to Excel I imagine you would be exporting the result of this select to a certain CSV file?
If that’s the idea to solve your problem it would be to create a select bringing everything in a single column and each already separated by comma (or the charactere you find best).
Follow the example below:

select ' NomeEmpresa,Contato1,emailcontato1,Contato2,emailcontato2' as 'ignorar' union all
 select e.EmpresaNome+','+
  SELECT ContatoNome +','+ContatoEmail+',' AS 'data()' 
         FROM #Contato where idEmpresa = e.Id FOR XML PATH('')
from #Empresa as e

The important thing here is the first select that will contain the header of your fields and then the table data.
After generating the CSV file, open it in excel, delete the first line with the name 'ignore' and ready.
Test the example above on this website here you can export to CSV as well.

  • Murilo, thank you very much before qqr thing. In this example you passed I saw two points: The first is that only one field (Name) is being brought and the second is that both contacts are in the same "cell". What I need is for all contact information to be brought in and each one in a column, until the second contact data comes in. The path remains the one you passed or it changes a lot ???

  • @Naimarnunes I edited my answer with a new code, as your goal is to export to excel doing the way I said it right, just need to delete the first line of the CSV file. At the end of the answer is the site where I created the code, you can use it to test and create the csv file as well.

  • Murilo Portugal, This answer was perfect and yes, this is exactly what I need. I have already played with the code to understand his logic well and I will apply this week. Thank you very much.

  • @Naimarnunes, I’m happy to help you. If the answer meets your problem, please consider marking it as correct to help other people with the same problem.

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