Rmarkdown: object not found when using knitr


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I am trying to create a word file from Rmarkdown using knitr, but on a certain line(see in the image) does not find the iris.wide object, but on the console runs normally. Why does this happen and how to resolve it? Any suggestions?

  • 1

    You create iris.wide in the document? Inside the markdown code?

  • No, it was imported. Oops, so even importing I have to put the import code in Rmarkwdown?

  • 1

    Yes, everything you create or use in the markdown you have to create/import. It runs in a "zero" session, so it doesn’t use anything you create outside of it.

  • If you don’t want the import to appear in the document just use include = FALSE in the code box.

  • Jorge, thank you so much! It worked perfectly! It happened the same thing with other data sets, but now I know how to solve thanks you.

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