.htaccess does not accept file for 403 error


Viewed 93 times


I did so in mine .htaccess

ErrorDocument 403 /403.php

But gives the error 403 rather than display the page of error!

If I do:

ErrorDocument 403 403.php

That is, in/ before 403. Text appears 403.php on the page as expected.

This leads me to believe that hi .htaccess is being treated.

Man 403.php is at the root!

How to fix this?

  • You tried to use localhost/403.php ?

  • yes, normally open the page because it exists!

1 answer


  • That’s right. Because I haven’t created virtual hosts yet. All sites are on localhost. Thank you very much! But I still have one question: If htaccess is at the root of the site, then / should not be the same directory as . htaccess?

  • If you can help me with this other question of . htaccess would really appreciate it! https://answall.com/questions/402836/repassar-regra-access-a-subdiret%C3%B3rio-existing

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