In Python, how do you explain the expression 'x = not x'


Viewed 349 times


I already know the result, but I would like to understand what happens, why of such a result...

For example:

>>> a = True
>>> b = not a    
>>> print(b)

It’s a simple thing, but I feel upset to wear something without knowing how it works.

  • 1

    I don’t know if I understood your question, but I answered it as completely as I could. If that’s not what you wanted, please clarify what in the quoted expression you don’t understand.

  • Thank you for the answer! Indirectly his answer clarified the doubt, which arose after reading a code that used this expression, because he was used to using not in expressions like 'if x not in y:' or 'if x not True:'

1 answer


The precedence of operators = and not is such that the instruction cited is to be interpreted as:

=(b, not(a))

i.e. "evaluate not(a) and save the result in b".

Already the expression not(x) returns True if x is false in a Boolean context, or False if x is true in the same context. In Python, the following values are considered "false":

class MinhaClasse(object):
    def __bool__(self): # Python 3
        return False
    def __nonzero__(self): # Python 2
        return False

The other values are considered "true".

Like a is one of the true values (True), then not(a) evaluates to False, and this is the value that is stored in b.

If the same variable were used (as in the title of your question), naturally all evaluation on the right side would occur before assignment to the left side:

>>> x = True
>>> x = not x   # x é True; not(True) é False; guarde False em x => x é False.
>>> print(x)

Note that the result of not(x) will always be True or False, only, unlike operators such as and or the or that always return one of the original values:

>>> 1 and "teste"   # Verdadeiro(1) E Verdadeiro(2) é Verdadeiro(2)
>>> {} and True     # Falso(1) E Verdadeiro(2) é Falso(1) => curto-circuito
>>> False or []     # Falso(1) OU Falso(2) é Falso(2)
>>> 42 or None      # Verdadeiro(1) OU Falso(2) é Verdadeiro(1) => curto-circuito

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