Is there a plugin or CSS code generator for Shapes(Shapes)?


Viewed 180 times


I wonder if there is a method of creating Shapes(Shapes) using CSS, which I don’t need to keep creating and adjusting everything in hand from scratch, until I can create the form I want.

Is there any way to speed this up? Some standard forms or some generator/plugin that performs part or all this work for me?

I do not wish to add several shapes, but some occasionally, so the tool would be to expedite my work, and not to automate it.

  • It has to be CSS, necessarily?

  • Do you think that CSS is not recommended for this case?

  • I don’t know if the most recommended or not, but if you want to generate several shapes, it looks more like a "programmatic" task, than a design task (style).

  • 1

    I will adjust the question, in my case are shapes I do occasionally, and not several of them, the function is not to waste time.

  • 1

    Oh yeah, I got it.

  • I don’t know if this is the kind of thing you’re looking for:! /Createjs

  • @bfavaretto guy, it seemed very interesting where you have examples of this? I only found for download

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2 answers


Paul you can use the CSS Shape Generator, it is in beta yet but is very useful and seems to be what you need.

  • Dude, perfect!! exactly what I wanted, wanted to know how I didn’t find it before...


I don’t know a specific tool for that, but I believe Google Web Designer can help expedite the process by giving you a graphical interface for this.

  • is interesting, seems to be something very professional, but thus, it generates CSS code?

  • Yes, it generates HTML and CSS for everything.

  • Very interesting, I will download it at home tonight and I will take a look, reminded me a lot an old friend of mine, the Adobe Flash Pro =p

  • I agree, he reminded me a lot too, only now in the right way ^^

  • Really, because it became obsolete through the forces of the trio Javascript+html+css and that’s where I changed from Flash to Javascript kkk

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