Sending Ajax Information to Controller


Viewed 159 times


Good morning guys, all beauty?

I am making an application where my select will operate what will appear on my page. I am using Codeigniter, so the choice of select goes to a controller. I need my page not refresh!

I’m using Ajax to try to get around this situation, but my first visit to him was yesterday, I’m very lay yet.

What happens is:

I want to take the value of select -> play this value in the controller -> and bring the data of my Query check in db to view.


 <form real="form" id="User" nome="form" method="post" action='<?= base_url("index.php/welcome");?>'>
                  <select class="form-control" name="selectUser" id="seletor">
                     <option  value='<?= $_SESSION["nome"]?>' >Only me</option>
                     <option  value="" >Team</option>


public function index()
		$nome = $this->input->post('selectUser');
		echo $nome;

		$verifica= $this->testemodel->verifica($nome);

		$data['nomecliente'] = $verifica['nome_cliente'];
		$data['horatotal'] = $verifica['hora_total'];
		$data['atividade'] = $verifica['nome_atividade'];

		$this->load->view('test', $data);


(function () {
    document.getElementById('seletor').addEventListener('change', function() {
        var selectedOption = this.children[this.selectedIndex];

        var value = this.value;
          type: "post",
          url: "http://localhost/Time/index.php/welcome/index",
		  data: value,
		  dataType: 'json',

I thank you for any north!

1 answer


According to my new understanding of the answer you need that by changing the option of a select, the value of option be sent to your controller. In case I’m wrong correct me.


    <select class="form-control" name="selectUser" id="seletor">
        <option  value='<?= $_SESSION["nome"]?>' >Only me</option>

                type: "post",
                url: "LINK_PARA_O_CONTROLLER",
                data: {"seletor": $("#seletor").val()},
                success: function(data){

                error: function(){
                    console.log("Erro na requisição")

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