Error 229 in SQL Server


Viewed 855 times


I created a user in SQL Server 2014 and then logged in with the created user. When I went to update the folder Table he appears this message:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

That is, the user I created is not allowed to view the tables.

What should I do?

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    Reviews from other users exist precisely to improve the text originally posted. Even if words or phrases are replaced, there is no need to edit again to undo edits and worse, even reverse sometimes corrected ortho-grammatical errors.

1 answer


I have no experience with SQL Server, but maybe information brought of SOEN can help you.

According to the topic, in that order:

  • You should not delete any ## certificates from master
  • You must not mark, or delete, the function (role) permissions db_denydatareader and, in case of writing problems, role db_denydatawriter
  • You may need to add the user name to role public -OR- give extended view permissions sys.Extended-properties for him in System Views of the database you are trying to access.
  • you wrote in such a technical way that I didn’t understand what you meant.

  • 1

    @wladyband translating: you created a user but did not set any privilege for it.

  • Yeah, basically.

  • Which of the three scenarios was correct?

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