Code in Employees After Saving Business Layer (V10)


Viewed 142 times


I intend to code the event after recording the business layer of the V10 spring ERP engines, to perform some actions on employees regardless of the origin of the data change. However, the code below is not running. Do you need to configure anything else? I have another code at the event after recording the staff at the editors that’s working normally.

public class ApiRhpBSFuncionarios : RhpBSFuncionarios
    public override void DepoisDeGravar(RhpBEFuncionario ObjBEFuncionario, ExtensibilityEventArgs e)
        base.DepoisDeGravar(ObjBEFuncionario, e);

        código diverso

2 answers


Good afternoon,

It is necessary to put this code after Abreempresatrabalho:

// Use this service to trigger the API events.
ExtensibilityService service = new ExtensibilityService();


// Check if service is operational
if (service.IsOperational)
    // Inshore that all extensions are loaded.

For this it is necessary also to make the following using:

using Primavera.Extensibility.Engine;

Referencing the following dlls:

  • Good afternoon Daniel, I think this solution does not apply. The code I indicated is running in ERP V10, as if it were the V9 VBA. It’s not an external application, so I don’t think any Abreempresatrabalho is necessary. Inheriting from Rhpbsfunctioning class already has access to BSO and PSO.



These types of events are not yet available for this module, at least for now. As far as I have been able to find out from the producer, this is a limitation without a resolution date.

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