Search for products with more than one word Delphi


Viewed 123 times


I am developing an application and would like to know how to research a product for more than one part of the name, for example:


DDR3 8Gb Notebook Ram Memory

I would like to do the search by typing for example: Mem DD or Mem Noteb or even Mem DD Note. Any idea how I could do that?

Tabela Produto
|Cod integer|
|Nome Varchar|
|Marca Varchar|
|Valor Numeric|

Note: I am using Delphi 10.2, Firebird 3.0

  • Enter the code you normally use to make queries by name as there are two ways to get the result you want. Or by event OnFilterRecord or by property Filtered.

  • Really ended up not putting , I’m sorry.

1 answer


You can only do this using good old SQL.
You would need to concatenate all the fields you want to filter and add an alias to it.

SELECT Nome+' '+Marca as campoBusca from tabela_produto

The return of this select would be:

|Memória Ram DDR3 8Gb Notebook|

Then it would only be using a Where, but as we can not use alias in Where should be made a subquery, and in the return of this use the Where with the perador like so:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT Nome+' '+Marca as campoBusca from tabela_produto) AS tbl
    WHERE tbl.campoBusca like '%Mem%DD%'

In the field where the user will type the words to the search you must replace the spaces by % and it must be present at the beginning and end of the researched term, as well as this in the example %Mem%DD%, it is he who makes the "magic" of searching anywhere in the field.

  • Murilo, that’s right, man. Thank you so much.

  • Glad it worked out! If the answer solved the problem, please check as correct to help other people who have the same problem.

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