Update Posts links from the database


Viewed 41 times


Hello, good night. I have a problem and I wanted a help.

Within each my post I have a link. Example:

Post1 I have the link: https://google.com Post2 I have the link: https://face.com Post3 I have the link: https://yt.com Post4 I have the link: https://gma.com

I need to add one "https://site.com/src=" in front of the link. And that I even got. The problem is that inside the post it shows there, updated, but I have to click "Update" the post, to in fact it update the change I made.

So I wanted to know if there is any way that I can change the links of all posts and then do not need to open each post and click on "Update" so that the link is updated.

  • How did you change all the urls and put https://site.com/src= before the links? based on your answer, maybe I can help

  • I downloaded this plugin: https://br.wordpress.org/plugins/search-and-replace/ . So I replaced all the links with it. Only when I access the post, it’s there updated, but it’s like I’m on balance in "draft" mode, then I have to click update to be able to actually update. Only it’s really boring when you have hundreds of posts.

  • I recommend you look for "replace images wordpress url" and try to apply the concept to posts, if you know SQL you will get, if you don’t know SQL or don’t feel very confident let me know here in the comment that I reply with Query for you to update all posts automatically, without having to enter them and update manually

  • If you can help me with Query, man, it would be very useful. Because that’s all that’s left...,

  • If you have access to phpmyadmin, just select the table wp_posts, then click on Research and then in Find and replace.

  • I do this, it changes in the comic book, but like, I have to access the post and click "Update" so it’s changed.

  • Is there any way you can list active plugins? It will help people investigate the problem.

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