Not pulling XML information


Viewed 31 times


At the moment where I import XML information, it does not separate and play to the XML_List, for continuity to the code, it returns no value in that part of the code:

 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
 List<Dados_XML> xml_list = xDoc.Descendants("ide").Select(ide =>
                new Dados_XML
                    Nome_Cliente = ide.Element("nome_cliente").Value,
                    nNF = Convert.ToInt32(ide.Element("nNF").Value),
                    Serie = Convert.ToInt32(ide.Element("Serie").Value)

That would be the whole code.

 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase xmlFile)
    if(xmlFile.ContentType.Equals("application/xml") || xmlFile.ContentType.Equals("text/xml"))

            var xmlPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/" + xmlFile.FileName);
            XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
            List<Dados_XML> xml_list = xDoc.Descendants("ide").Select(ide =>
             new Dados_XML
                    Nome_Cliente = ide.Element("nome_cliente").Value,
                    nNF = Convert.ToInt32(ide.Element("nNF").Value),
                    Serie = Convert.ToInt32(ide.Element("Serie").Value)
            using (XML_Conn xmlCon = new XML_Conn())
                foreach (var i in xml_list)
                    var v = xmlCon.Dados_XML.Where(a => a.Id.Equals(i.nNF)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (v != null)
                       v.Id = i.Id;
                       v.nNF = i.nNF;
                       v.Serie = i.Serie;
                       v.Nome_Cliente = i.Nome_Cliente;
                        ViewBag.Result = xmlCon.Dados_XML.ToList();
              return View("Index");
                ViewBag.Error = "Não pode ser importado o XML!";
                return View("Index");
            ViewBag.Error = "Não pode ser importado o XML!";
            return View("Index");





<natOp>DEV. PRODUTOS</natOp>


















  • put xml in your question!

  • @Virgilionovic put the XML.

  • And where do you have a list? There is no node nome_cliente... You’ve already debugged your code?

  • Including the header! is because of it you are having problems

  • Okay, so apart from the nome_cliente or by changing the header in case one part of the problem will be solved, the other part is the list, in case I put a List

  • The moment he passes by List, it returns value 0

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