I can’t activate the Rigger build


Viewed 33 times


I have a pipeline in Jenkins configured that was working before, but there was an error in Jenkins and now I can’t activate Rigger. Already deconstructing the Docker container from Jenkins and I did everything from 0 and I can’t activate the Poll Rigger SCM (Github hook Trigger for Gitscm Polling) when I make changes to the repository. If run manually it works all pipeline successfully.

I’ve downloaded the SCM Poll plugins, git plugin, Job Poll Action Plugin, Pipeline.

I already set up webhook in the repository, including deleted and created again and nothing. I tried with token credentials, tried without credentials since the repository is public and nothing.

Image on the Jenkins part of the Docker-Compose:

        image: jenkinsci/blueocean
        container_name: jenkins
        restart: always
        user: root
        privileged: true
                - 8080:8080
                - ./jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home
                - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
                - /bin/docker:/bin/docker 

What bothers me most is that before it was working.

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