Why aren’t the blue balls positioned in the center of the column?


Viewed 54 times


I’m creating a page with a Grid Bootstrap and I put four blue balls in one of the columns... The problem is that I cannot place the blue balls in the center of the column (they are always positioned on the left side either in the starting position and also when the page is reduced). How do I make the 4 blue balls always stay in the center of the column and responsive?



Posição errada


Posição correcta


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1 answer


The problem is on line 111 of Lotti.css (Delete it and test). Here it worked for me!

d4w4 {/* width:164px; */}

  • Thanks to Pedro Paulo for the tip... but if you delete the css of " d4w4 {/* width:164px;" it also doesn’t work... because you remove the length of the lines and so when you put more balls, for example 10 balls, they are all in line and I intend that each line has 4 balls (4 horizontally and 4 vertically), as shown in the new drawings I put in its edition.

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