I need the list of vehicles that do not have registered photos.
I have a Vehicles table, an Image table and another Type.
tbVeiculo (VeiculoId, DataCadastro, Etc...)
tbImagemVeiculo (ImagemVeiculoId, VeiculoId, TipoImagemId, Imagem, Data, Etc...)
tbTipoImagem ( TipoImagemId, Nome, Etc...)
I also need to know what types of images he hasn’t entered yet.
+1 Helped me a lot, I forgot to mention in the question, but I need to know also what types of images he has not inserted. In this selection I can only know if he inserted any correct image?
– Jhonas
@Jhonas includes in the last edition of the answer the resolution for his questioning
– Sorack