Changing the orientation of the screen


Viewed 30 times


My PWA website has the following guideline on manifest.json:

"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait"

Thus ensuring that it is viewed in full screen and always in portrait orientation.

A certain part, in particular, needs to have the orientation changed to landscape. But how the manifest defined the starting orientation, do not know how to change it.

I tried to include a new manifest with "orientation": "landscape" but to no avail.

Any suggestions?

  • It’s gambiarra, but sometimes depending on what it is you can solve if you rotate the container 90°:), I’ve seen in some cases this technique being applied, but it was with @media etc... but remember that the situation solved

  • Inside the manifest has a Scope property, if I’m not mistaken it serves to apply that manifest to a specific part (URL). You may have missed that in your

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