Shortcut/Autocomplete in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)


Viewed 362 times


I’m using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in version 17.5 of 2017 and would like to create some shortcuts/autocomplete to make the search process a little faster, without deploying it in any application, more for the issue of using SSMS.

It would be something like typing: @slc and auto complete to select * from or simply a @join and auto complete to select * from tbl1 t1 inner join tbl2 t2 on =

Is there any way to create a shortcut or autocomplete for this case? How?

1 answer


You can create an XML template with the code you want to automate, and import the snippet through the "Tools" menu - "Code snippet manager..."

Here is an example template, the query goes inside the CDATA[] available in the "Snippet] node":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
<CodeSnippets  xmlns="">  
<_locDefinition xmlns="urn:locstudio">  
    <_locDefault _loc="locNone" />  
    <_locTag _loc="locData">Title</_locTag>  
    <_locTag _loc="locData">Description</_locTag>  
    <_locTag _loc="locData">Author</_locTag>  
    <_locTag _loc="locData">ToolTip</_locTag>  
   <_locTag _loc="locData">Default</_locTag>  
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">  
<Description>Example Snippet for Try-Catch.</Description>  
<Author>SQL Server Books Online Example</Author>  
        <ToolTip>Code to handle the caught error</ToolTip>  
<Code Language="SQL"><![CDATA[  
SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') as ProductVersion,
SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') as Edition,
SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') as SPStatus

Although there is a node called "shortcut", it seems that this functionality has not been implemented, I saw several questions in ST where it is commented.

There are tools that allow to automate this process, some are free, as this:

If you need more information, these links explain in detail how to activate Intellisense and work with snippets:

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