I took the test of the IFSULDESTE competition of Minas Gerais organized by the CEFET-MG Foundation and I have doubts about the following question:
8 - Consider the code of the following HTML page.
It is correct to state that the text color of the element <strong>
of the above code is
a) red.
b) Gray.
c) rebeccapurple.
d) darkgoldenrod.
e) cornfl owerblue.
Why, according to the feedback, the letter E is the correct option? I didn’t understand this mixture of CLASS and ID. I marked the letter A.
Source: CEFET Foundation. Available at: https://concurso.fundacaocefetminas.org.br/documentos/InformticaBomSucesso41637000719030930238.pdf. Accessed in: 31 Jul 2019.
It doesn’t. I think it’s Strong, but you’re right, I should have specified it. I can go in on appeal.
– Denis Caixeta
@Vitor Carnaval, you edited the question specifying the element Strong, but the original question does not say.
– Denis Caixeta
The link you passed says yes, element Strong
– LeAndrade
Oh yes, you’re right
– Denis Caixeta
Option C and option E have the same weight, but the option is won simply because it is the rule that comes last. If you put the CSS of the letter C after the letter E vc will see that it is he that is worth.
– hugocsl
Take a look at this article: https://medium.com/emanuelg-blog/understanding-a-preced%C3%Aancia-de-estilo-em-css-specificity-Heran%C3%A7a-e-cascade-effect-a437c4929173
– Victor Carnaval