SVG image does not appear


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I’m trying to upload an SVG image as background but it doesn’t appear. When I’m in the live preview of VS Code it works normally, but when I open index.html directly from the browser it just doesn’t appear. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. Github link


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2.98 1.8 3.624 3.77.896 2.739-.972 5.983-1.777 7.54-.154.299-.115.852 0 1.163 2.562 6.841 5.433 12.99 8.647 229.28c-1.263 2.34-2.6 4.176-4.012 5.739-.254.283-.44 1.279-.18 1.88.812 1.874 1.648 3.366 2.587 4.611-2.468 7.54-4.987 14.84-8.007 20.728.883-12.313 1.91-24.584 3.37-36.477.432-3.508.626-7.036 2.2-6.136 1.187.676 2.497 3.564 3.585 1.6 1.963 1.594 2.275-.01.488-.993 1.999-1.137 2.266" fill="#006FD0" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M360.445 236.921c-.041.008-.082.017-.124.022.04-.001.083-.016.124-.022" fill="#FFF" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M357.032 231.042c-.463-1.383-1.332-3.298-1.139-5.074.133-1.206.65-1.797 1.23-1.814a6.478 6.478 0 0 1 3.063-1.019c.736-.051 2.238-.444 2.714 1.02.445 1.366-.177 3.775-.462 5.008-.494 2.136-1.17 4.05-1.93 5.884-.075.18-.15.34-.226.499l.003.005c.529 2.666 2.109 8.615 2.733 14.289 1.527-11.315 3.69-28.402 3.69-28.402s-.672-5.928-13.24-.886c0 0 1.8 12.683 3.423 23.886.474-2.713 1.18-5.252 1.953-8.732-.728-1.126-1.353-3.293-1.812-4.664" fill="#FFF" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M360.699 236.853c-.024.007-.04.02-.067.026a.426.426 0 0 0 .067-.026" fill="#FFF" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M360.59 236.897c.016-.005.027-.013.043-.018a.815.815 0 0 1-.189.042c.049-.009.098-.01.146-.024" fill="#004161" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M361.701 259.021c.24-1.351.733-4.844 1.317-9.18-.623-5.676-2.204-11.624-2.733-14.29l-.002-.002c.074-.162.15-.323.225-.502.76-1.834 1.436-3.748 1.93-5.885.285-1.232.907-3.64.462-5.008-.476-1.463-1.978-1.07-2.714-1.018a6.467 6.467 0 0 0-3.064 1.019c-.578.017-1.096.607-1.229 1.813-.193 1.775.676 3.69 1.139 5.075.458 1.37 1.084 3.537 1.812 4.664-.773 3.48-1.48 6.018-1.953 8.732 1.255 8.669 2.403 16.45 2.526 16.782.139.374.486 1.021.904 1.008.042-.008.083-.03.123-.048.063-.023.124-.042.189-.1.025-.016.042-.043.066-.062.333-.355.686-1.217 1.002-2.998" fill="#07033B" mask="url(#d)"/><path d="M391.027 291.836c-.874-.648-1.77-1.308-2.804-1.646-.715-.232-1.47-.306-2.22-.331-1.112-.038-2.322.059-3.158.795-.645.571-.953 1.435-1.115 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  <div class="main">
      <h1>All your files in one secure location, <br> accessible anywhere!!!</h1>

      <p id="description">Fylo stores all your most important files in one secure location. Access them wherever you need, share and collaborate with friends, family and co-workers.</p>  

      <p id="signUp">Sign up for early access</p>

    <form action="">        
      <input id="box" type="email">
      <input id="btn" type="button" value="Sign Up"> 

      <a href="#">Privacy Policy</a>


/* RESET */

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/* General Style */

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/* Grid Template */


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  border: none;
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  width: 150px;  
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/* Footer */

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/* Queries */

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<svg width="375" height="445" xmlns=""><defs><linearGradient x1="14.569%" y1="-6.457%" x2="132.964%" y2="153.753%" id="a"><stop stop-color="#110A6D" offset="0%"/><stop stop-color="#BDBAFA" offset="100%"/><stop stop-color="#BDBAFA" offset="100%"/></linearGradient></defs><path d="M0 376.28c67.572-32.674 124.62-32.674 171.144 0 69.787 49.013 141.558 86.511 242.423 59.172 67.244-18.226 67.244-163.377 0-435.452H0v376.28z" fill="url(#a)" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>
  • 1

    And where’s your html? Where’s the svg code? Open the svg file in vscode, copy its code and paste here editing the question, take advantage and put tbm html

  • Your file .css is inside some folder, or is at the root of the site along with the file .html? Put the <head> from your document, thinking that your problem is not with SVG

  • It’s at the root next to . html, I’m going to put the <head> plus the repository link, thank you.

  • Guy here testing locally worked normal... his problem should be with the folders and paths of the files. It would be interesting to put an image of how the folders are and the <head> of the document with which you are indexed in it of . css etc look at the image working

  • Solved, both background-image: url(./images/bg-intro.svg); and background-image: url(images/bg-intro.svg); solved the problem. Thank you very much!

  • Yes yes, as I said in reply ;)

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1 answer


Your problem is this bar / that you put in the background image walk...

If the . css and image folder are in the site root, you don’t need to put it like this background-image: url(/images/bg-intro.svg); and that /images makes the css search in the root folder of the directory and not inside the local folder the correct would be just background-image: url(images/bg-intro.svg); without the / at the beginning of path.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Recommended reading: Path to access html folders ,css,php etc

  • 2

    Perfect, totally clarified my doubt and I had my problem solved. Thank you very much

  • 1

    @Alexandre walks folder sometimes even confuses rss, but good that solved, and better still that it was not in the rss SVG

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