Show only 1 record at a time with go to next button


Viewed 35 times


Good night to you all.

I would like to: Show records sequentially, (1 at a time), on a web page for a set of more than 100,000 records. I can show all at once, but I would like to only 1 at a time with go button to the next one. My table is unique and has 22 fields.

$conexao = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'aiseco14_america', 'Aise15481415*', 'aiseco14_cedato');

$sql = $conexao->query("Select cnpj, empresas, obs, data From empresas");
if($sql){ // If $sql is True
    while($exibe = $sql->fetch_assoc()){
        foreach($exibe as $key => $value){
            echo "<br />" . $value;

I put 3 fields just to illustrate. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Thanks in advance for the guidelines

  • you then need to ask a related question:

  • I really appreciate your suggestion. I took the test with everyone and that wouldn’t be it. The purpose of showing one by one is to prevent the user from choosing which client to work with and leaving the less profitable ones aside, so paging is not interesting. And the last suggestion shows all products side by side in horizontal. Even so, thank you very much for the attention.

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