Two actions on the same button


Viewed 474 times


Guys, I need help with something simple, but I couldn’t find it on the internet, maybe because I don’t know the correct term to search. But I wanted the following: When you click on the code button below, the first click will open a link, and the second click will open the second link. In short, two links on the same button. Currently my button is like this, but I wanted to make him open another link before opening the link. Could someone help me with this?

<div class="baixar">
    <a id="botao2" href="" target="_blank"><h3>DOWNLOAD</h3> </a>           

2 answers


Can change the href from the link after the first click, all within the attribute onclick:

<a id="botao2" href="" target="_blank"
onclick="var t=this; setTimeout(function(){t.href=''},10)">

Clicking on the link will open the URL and the attribute href will change to Clicking again will open

The setTimeout is to give a small delay so that the attribute is changed only after the click.

  • Man, I’m trying like this;<a id="botao2" href="" target="_blank" onclick="var t=this; setTimeout(function(){t.href="<?php echo base64_decode($queryString["src"])?>"},10)> <h3>DOWNLOAD</h3> </a> But you don’t change the link, you keep going to the first link.

  • Look at the source code of the page to see how the HTML of the link is getting.

  • Failed to close the onclick with " after the ,10).

  • I put: But it still doesn’t work :/

  • It is after the ,10), thus: <a id="botao2" href="" target="_blank" onclick="var t=this; setTimeout(function(){t.href='<?php echo base64_decode($queryString["src"])?>'},10)"> <h3>DOWNLOAD</h3> </a>

  • And the link should be in single quotes. You put the PHP code inside double quotes, unlike what I put in the answer.

  • Ah, now it’s worked out. Thank you so much, man. You’re wild!

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That’s a cool question! type ai click the button for the first time let’s say it opens the github and the second time the stack

come on

  • php
$link_count = 0
function AlternaLinks(){
    if ($link_count == 0){
        // manda para o primeiro link
        $link_count = 1
    } else {
        // manda para o segundo link
        $link_count == 0

So it gets opened by clicking the first link and the click again will open the second and so infinitely

I hope I’ve helped

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