Omp miscompartes in the call of the same function


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Dear friends... I am a beginner in Omp (parallel programming in general) and am going through the following problem, which may be obvious. So I came to ask for help. The call is as follows

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
    if(i == 0)
      h[i] = fastContComplete(r, cromo->g, 1);
      h[i] = fastContComplete(s, cromo->g, 0);

If I remove the omp call the algorithm works super well. If I run as it is, it returns the structures h[i] in a "miscalculated" way. Detail, the parameters of fastContComplete function are query only, they are not changed at any time of fastContComplete execution. I can’t understand where the mistake is there. I also tried

  #pragma omp parallel private(r, s, cromo)
    i = omp_get_thread_num();
    if(i == 0)
      h[i] = fastContComplete(r, cromo->g, 1);
      h[i] = fastContComplete(s, cromo->g, 0);

and behaves the same way. Someone can explain what’s going on?

Thank you in advance, hugs, Josefran

  • I start by saying that your for does not make much sense because it is individualizing specific cases of for. Actually this one of yours for would be better transformed into two loose instructions, those written in the if.

  • I tried this way. At the end of the text I made available the second code

  • fastContComplete does not change any global variable?

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