I have a problem with Node, I believe it must be something related to callback s, but I’m not sure, but anyway, my problem is basically in pulling data from a database Mysql, this data will be stored in a variable called msg. My complete code is this:
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const app = express();
const server = require('http').createServer( app );
const io = require('socket.io')(server);
const mysql = require('mysql');
// conexao com o banco de dados
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "",
database: "dados_users"
app.set('view engine','html');
app.use('/', ( request , res ) => {
let msg =[];
io.on('connection', socket => {
//este select deve retornar as mensagens que estão no banco para a
//variavel msg
// con.connect(function(err) {
// con.query('SELECT * FROM dados', function(err, rows, fields) {
// if (err) throw err;
// msg = rows;
// });
// });
socket.emit('msg_existentes',msg); //retorna dados earmazenados na variavel msg
socket.on('recebe_do_front', data => {
// con.connect(function(err) {
// var sql = "INSERT INTO dados (nome, msg) VALUES ('"+data.nome+"', '"+data.msg+"')";
// con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log("1 record inserted");
// });
// });
msg.push( data ); //manter msg na section da pagina
socket.broadcast.emit('envia_para_usuario', data); //retorna msg do canudo
The function that is not doing the part of it is the function of [ select ], this below:
//este select deve retornar as mensagens que estão no banco para a
//variavel msg
con.connect(function(err) {
con.query('SELECT * FROM dados', function(err, rows, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
msg = rows;
then that is, when the program is run, it brings the empty msg variable. Thank you very much!
Leandro, face this way, Cod loops and is giving a warnings
websocket.js:234 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3001/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=v_OEjrUil-xkVarwAABm' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
– Fabricio Carneiro
@Fabriciocarneiro this is already another error, which can be caused by other reasons.
– Leonardo Lima
@Leandro, man I studied more deeply and I understood the kkk cacas, man it worked out, thank you so much for the strength bro.
– Fabricio Carneiro