How to better organize the foreach


Viewed 92 times


I have this foreach which is working perfectly, but I think it’s a very polluted, very large code. Is there any way to rewrite this foreach in a more correct way? Everything works perfectly, but I am optimizing the code in a general way.


$dados = array(
   '<tr><td>ID: 120</td></tr>',
   '<tr><td>Classe de aferimento: Natural</td></tr>',
   '<tr><td>Área de atuação: Airsoft</td></tr>',
   '<tr><td>Valor de custo: R$ 1.220,50</td></tr>',
   '<tr><td>Local: Santa-Fé</td></tr>'

foreach ($dados as $value) {
    $valor = strip_tags(trim($value));
    $xpl = explode(":",$valor);

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "ID");
    if ($pos === false) {
    } else {
        $cltId = trim($xpl[1]);

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "Classe");
    if ($pos === false) {
    } else {
        $cltClasse = trim($xpl[1]);

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "Área");
    if ($pos === false) {
    } else {
        $cltArea = trim($xpl[1]);

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "Valor");
    if ($pos === false) {
    } else {
        $cltValor = trim($xpl[1]);
        $cltValor = explode(" ", $cltValor);
        $cltValor = number_format($cltValor[1], 2, '.', '');

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "Local");
    if ($pos === false) {
    } else {
      $cltLocal = trim($xpl[1]);

echo "Dados a serem iseridos no Banco de Dados";
echo "<br />";
echo "ID do solicitante: ".$cltId;
echo "<br />";
echo "Classe do solicitante: ".$cltClasse;
echo "<br />";
echo "Área do solicitante: ".$cltArea;
echo "<br />";
echo "Valor cobrado: ".$cltValor;
echo "<br />";
echo "Local de ação: ".$cltLocal;
  • What does the code do? What is the input and what is the output produced?

  • The input is that of the $data array and the output is individual each with a different variable that are the variables starting with $clt...

  • A variable $i is useless. Because you are using it?

  • Really @Maurydeveloper will edit to delete.

  • Where does that come from array? It will always be in that same format?

  • It will always be in the same format @Andersoncarloswoss . I made a Crawler from a site where this table already exists. I separated only the <tr>.

  • 1

    $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "ID");&#xA; if ($pos === false) {&#xA; } else {&#xA; $cltId = trim($xpl[1]);&#xA; } A suggestion to minimize this code: $pos = strpos($xpl[0], "ID");&#xA; if ($pos !== false) {&#xA; $cltId = trim($xpl[1]);&#xA; } It’s useless to use comparison if you don’t perform anything.

  • @Maurydeveloper Good! Already gave a diminished!!!

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3 answers


All rows in your table have the same pattern: <nome>: <valor>. So you can take advantage of this standard to simplify your code:

$resultado = [];

foreach ($dados as $dado) {
  list($nome, $valor) = explode(':', strip_tags($dado));
  $resultado[trim($nome)] = trim($valor);

Basically you go through the values of your array, removes HTML tags, splits in the colon character, :, and sets the first value as the column name and the second as the column value, saving in $resultado.

At the end you’ll have a array associative:

    [ID] => 120
    [Classe de aferimento] => Natural
    [Área de atuação] => Airsoft
    [Valor de custo] => R$ 1.220,50
    [Local] => Santa-Fé

Can do:

Dados a serem iseridos no Banco de Dados
ID do solicitante: {$resultado["ID"]}
Classe do solicitante: {$resultado["Classe de aferimento"]}
Área do solicitante: {$resultado["Área de atuação"]}
Valor cobrado: {$resultado["Valor de custo"]}
Local de ação: {$resultado["Local"]}

See working on

  • Gave improved 300%. Was legibly to view and save lines.


$titles = array('ID', 'Classe', 'Área', 'Valor', 'Local');
$resultado = array();

foreach ($dados as $value) {
    $valor = strip_tags(trim($value));
    $xpl = explode(":", $valor);

    if (in_array($xpl[0], $titles)) {

        $resultado[$xpl[0]] = trim($xpl[1]);

        if ($xpl[0] === 'Valor') {
            $cltValor = explode(" ", $resultado[$xpl[0]]);
            $resultado[$xpl[0]] = number_format($cltValor[1], 2, '.', '');


To display the values:

echo "Dados a serem inseridos no Banco de Dados";
echo "<br />";
echo "ID do solicitante: " . $resultado['ID'];
echo "<br />";
echo "Classe do solicitante: " . $resultado['Classe'];
echo "<br />";
echo "Área do solicitante: " . $resultado['Área'];
echo "<br />";
echo "Valor cobrado: " . $resultado['Valor'];
echo "<br />";
echo "Local de ação: " . $resultado['Local'];
  • That’s exactly it! However, the in_array only works if the values are exact. The above example only works with the ID and Local. But it has already given a lot of light. I will try to combine in_array with strpos. Know some solution for this?

  • Their values are not exact?

  • No. And it explodes returns "Requester class", for example. So the in_array returns false in_array($xpl[0], "Class").


Yes, in the view of that list you can do it this way:

<?php foreach($dados as $dado) :?>
<?php endforeach;?>

This way is more optimized the code PHP itself has this way of behavior to front-end, I hope I helped.

Taking data from a table with JS:


   var tbody = $('tbody > tr > td');

   $.each(tbody, function(index, item){
       var item = $(item).text();
       var dados = item.replace(",", ".");
  • 1

    I’m sorry, what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense, and if you want to continue, I invite you to go into chat.

  • 2

    Please avoid long discussions in the comments; your talk was moved to the chat and can continue there if there is interest

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