I cannot check 'Mark Clickonce manifests'


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I have a Visual Studio project where I need to sign Assembly this way:

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For the Phoenix_panel project (example print above) marking this item is optional. But for the Phoenix_communication project I have to do this.

With each copy I get this error in the Phoenix_communication project:

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Description of the error message:

Gravity Code Description Project File Line Deletion State Error Can’t register the Assembly "C: Users thiag Onedrive Desktop Work Arc Software Arch Phoenix_communication Phoenix_communication bin Debug Phoenix_communication.dll"; access denied. Make sure you are running the application as an administrator. Access to the 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Record' Registry key has been denied. Phoenix_communication

If I create a new strong name key file with each copy I can copy the program.

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The problem is that it makes the work too slow. According to my boss the problem could be solved by activating the Tick the Clickonce manifests and selecting the file. pfx corresponding to the selected strong name key file. But as I cannot select this option.

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However it is not possible to select this option. If anyone can help me thank you.

  • 1

    Run Visual Studio as an administrator. Right-click (default button layout) on the Visual Studio icon on the taskbar, within the menu that appears, right-click on the Visual Studio shortcut will open a submenu where you choose Run as Administrator.

  • Although I did not do this when I took the prints, I run the project as an administrator and have the error described. I tested again to check and presented the same problem.

  • I’ve been reading about your problem and I found this: (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/.../hkeyclassesrootname-of-the-class-is-denied says your account has no privileges to modify that key. Try logging as machine ADM, someone will surely criticize me for safety, or in safe mode and try to do the operation.

  • this doesn’t make much sense since I am able to carry out this process in the other project of this same solution. And My user is administrator.

  • Just an idea open the record editor and take a look at these key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, see if you have any policy restricting the specific edition of any record HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

  • There is nothing in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE folder Microsoft Windows Currentversion Policies

  • I found this here: https://www.codeproject.com/../How-to-Sign-ClickOnce. He explains that The application files, the application manifest, the publication manivest and the boostrapper must be signed and individually.

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