What is a static table in SQL Server?


Viewed 168 times


What is a static table in SQL Server? I can’t understand this concept by internet searches.

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1 answer


In fact it is only a concept and as far as I know there is nothing in SQL Server or other database that defines this clearly as a mechanism (in Mysql only using Myisam there is the term for something else entirely different). A static table is one that should not be changed, it is practically read-only. This is not to say that it can never be changed, but this is rare and is not done by normal operations available to users. But I stress that all this is only conceptual, nothing prevents to do different.

Examples of type tables are cities and states, specific codes of something that serve as a description for something. Often these tables are called descriptive, reference or lookup. They are usually very simple, and have no more than an identifier and a description. They can be compared to enumerations that some banks or languages have, but are not so fixed.

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