How to make jQuery Chosen disregard accentuation at the time of the search?


Viewed 984 times


I developed a website that uses jQuery Chosen, and would like him to did not consider the accents at the time of the search.

For example, I have a list with several names, and I need to look for JOSE (digito sem acento), but I would like him to show JOSÉ (com acento).

How to do this?

  • 2

    This question is very broad, because it involves solving two distinct problems: 1) how to make a search ignoring the accentuation; 2) how integrate this search to jQuery Chosen. I asked a separate question for the general case, and I will try to answer the specific case [of jQuery Chosen] here.

2 answers


I suggest you use the Select2 which has the same purpose, with very similar layout, which already does what you want, and even provides an option for you to programmatically change the search code.


This library offers no easy option to customize the search no... I tried to read the sources first on Github (they are in Coffeescript, language I do not understand) then in the downloaded file (chosen.jquery.js), and identified the part where he actually does the search:

AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() {
  searchText = this.get_search_text();
  escapedSearchText = searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
  regexAnchor = this.search_contains ? "" : "^";
  regex = new RegExp(regexAnchor + escapedSearchText, 'i');
  for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        option.search_match = this.search_string_match(option.search_text, regex);
            startpos =;
            text = option.search_text.substr(0, startpos + searchText.length) + '</em>' + option.search_text.substr(startpos + searchText.length);
            option.search_text = text.substr(0, startpos) + '<em>' + text.substr(startpos);

My first attempt was to modify the get_search_text to ignore the accentuation. For this, I took the instance of the Chosen and replaced the method:

var Chosen = $("#meu-select").chosen().data("chosen");

var get_search_text = Chosen.get_search_text;
Chosen.get_search_text = function() {
    return replaceSpecialChars(get_search_text.apply(this));

(the function replaceSpecialChars vein of @Leonardo Cardoso’s reply; is not complete, for a definitive version accompany the related question)

With that, the search term now ignores the accent. The next step would be to make the term being sought also ignore. For this, I modified in a similar way the search_string_match:

var search_string_match = Chosen.search_string_match;
Chosen.search_string_match = function(search_string, regex) {
    return search_string_match(replaceSpecialChars(search_string), regex);

Here is the result (see the code at the end). It works, but the problem is that at the time of highlight the term sought, it presents problems - since the original regex does not match the original term. From the code above, I can’t see a way to interpose replaceSpecialChars in a way that does not cause this problem, but when I have time I will look at it again. For now, it remains as a partial response... (Editing: I quit! If you want to continue where I left off, investigate the method result_add_option. But I think the most "sane" way would be to edit the sources directly...)

  • Your reply helped a lot! Thank you very much! + 1

  • I could take a look at this doubt: Thank you very much!

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