icheck plugin does not disable all checkbox


Viewed 74 times


Boas, I have the problem that I have 6 checkbox but can only select a maximum of 2 before submitting the form. What happens is that by clicking on the third box it gives the message and clears the previous two and the third one is selected, and I can’t deselect on all 5 checkboxes with the iCkeck plugin.

	$('.selcheck').on('ifChecked', function(event){
		if ($('.selcheck').filter(':checked').length > 2 ) {
			alert('Só é permitido escolher 2 opções.');
			$('#d1, #d2, #d3, #d4, #d5, #d6').iCheck('uncheck');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id='d1' type='checkbox' class='selcheck'/>
<input id='d2' type='checkbox' class='selcheck'/>
<input id='d3' type='checkbox' class='selcheck'/>
<input id='d4' type='checkbox' class='selcheck'/>
<input id='d5' type='checkbox' class='selcheck'/>


    $('.selcheck').on('ifChecked', function(event){

    var limpa = 0;

    if ($('.selcheck').filter(':checked').length > 2 ) {

        alert('Só é permitido escolher 2 opções.');

        limpa = 1;


    $(function() {

        if (limpa == 1){

2 answers


From what I understand of your problem, I do not think it necessary to use the plugin iCheck only to uncheck the checkbox. In the code I updated I left an instruction not to leave the third checkbox checked and to uncheck all when you reach the checkbox mark limit - following your intention when using the iCheck.

$(function() {

  $('.selcheck').click(function(event) {

    const $checkboxs = $('.selcheck');

    if ($checkboxs.filter(':checked').length > 2) {
      alert('Só é permitido escolher 2 opções.');

      $(this).prop('checked', false); // Desmarcar elemento atual
      //$checkboxs.prop('checked', false); // Desmarcar todos os elementos

      //$('#d1, #d2, #d3, #d4, #d5, #d6').iCheck('uncheck');


<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id='d1' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d2' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d3' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d4' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d5' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />

  • Hi I use icheck not only to uncheck but also for css

  • And what mistake is it iCheck spawned?

  • Vitor gave no error, clicking on the 3 box, after the message clears the two boxes selected and the 3 box is selected.

  • The solution I posted doesn’t solve your problem?

  • Viva didn’t solve it, but I’ve already solved thank you.


Hello, I did it in two ways, with pure javascript (always good to know) and with jQuery.

PS: I updated the example to demonstrate how it would be done with the icheck.

PS2: the icheck did not render the checkboxes correctly so I made a timer to go checking one by one, so the event is called and the code checks the count and unchecks all if necessary, resetting the count.

// Exemplo com JS apenas..
const checkList = document.querySelectorAll('[name=selcheck]');

Array.prototype.forEach.call(checkList, function(check) {
  check.addEventListener('change', function(evt) {
    var checked = Array.prototype.filter.call(checkList, function(c) {
      return c.checked;
    if(checked.length > 2) {
      alert("É permitido selecionar apenas 2 items.");
      checked.forEach(function(c) { c.checked = false });

// Exemplo jQuery
$('input[name=selcheck]').on('change', function(evt) {
  var checkedList = $('input[name=selcheck]:checked');
  if(checkedList.length > 2) {
    alert("só pode selecionar 2..");
    $(checkedList).prop('checked', false);

// Exemplo iCheck
let checked = 0;
var checkboxes = $('input[name=selcheck]');
checkboxes.on('ifChecked', function(evt) {
  let checkedChecks = checkboxes.filter('input:checked');
  if(checkedChecks.length > 2) {
    alert('only 2 allowed..');
    checked = 0;

setInterval(function() {
  let checkbox = $(checkboxes[checked++]);
}, 3000);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iCheck/1.0.2/icheck.min.js"></script>

<input id='d1' name='selcheck' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d2' name='selcheck' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d3' name='selcheck' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d4' name='selcheck' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />
<input id='d5' name='selcheck' type='checkbox' class='selcheck' />

  • That way I know it works but using the icheck plugin no longer works

  • @Sergioteixeira see now with the latest example.

  • Friend this way is not resulting, because it does not clean the 3 box when I click on it, and I can not have a time since it is a form and can take some time to be submitted.

  • The example over time was only for demonstration purposes as the checkboxes became invisible when I enabled the icheck in the answer code. This way, even without seeing the items it is possible to see the functioning. For your production code you would not include the setInterval and the code referring to it.

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