Problems retrieving the Datatable object in P:Dialog


Viewed 25 times


I have a datatable that lists all the students, and I have a button that opens a modal, in this modal I want to continue manipulating my datatable object, for this I use the propriedadef:setPropertyActionListener, but the object always comes empty, I’ve looked at several topics here on the forum but nothing solved, if someone can give a north I thank;

There in the dialog the attribute ID always comes zero, there’s my problem but I can’t find why.


@ManagedBean(name = "funcionarioMB")
public class FuncionarioMB {

private Aluno aluno;
private List<Aluno> alunosInativos;
private FuncionarioDAO fDAO = new FuncionarioDAO();

//getters and setters

public FuncionarioMB() {
        aluno = new Aluno();
        alunosInativos = fDAO.ListarAlunosInativos();


        <h:form id="form" prependId="false">
        <p:dataTable var="aluno" value="#{funcionarioMB.alunosInativos}">

             .... OUTRAS COLUNAS....

            <div class="ui-g-12">
            <p:column style="width:60px">
           <p:commandButton value="Recusar" update="confirmaRecusa" oncomplete="PF('confirmaRecusa').show()" styleClass="btn btn-danger btn-block" >
            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{aluno}" target="#{funcionarioMB.aluno}" />


<p:dialog header="Motivo" widgetVar="confirmaRecusa" modal="true" id="confirmaRecusa" height="200" width="200">
<p:inputText id="email" maxlength="200" value="#{}" styleClass="form-control" required="true" requiredMessage="Necessário informar um motivo" />
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:commandButton value="Aceitar" id="aceitar" action="#{funcionarioMB.recusarAluno(aluno)}" styleClass="btn btn-success btn-block" ajax="false" />
  • Try to do this: <p:commandButton value="Recusar" action="#{funcionarioMB.setAluno(aluno)}" update="confirmaRecusa" oncomplete="PF('confirmaRecusa').show()" styleClass="btn btn-danger btn-block" />. Something else, I think action="#{funcionarioMB.recusarAluno(aluno)}" will not work and nor need to pass student as parameter because the student is already set in functionMB.

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