V-icon is not working on vuetify


Viewed 381 times


People who use vuetify, the v-icon is not working as it should. I put the image 1 there that you can see that you don’t recognize the icons of the material design.

To better understand, I created a component called Aplication and imported it in my "App.Vue", so I used the Aplication with a v-if to check if the guy is logged in to the system or not. If he is logged in to the system, it shows the Aplication, if not, no. And it is working normal the v-if, it shows there the system after the user log, normal. The problem is that the icons are giving problem as it is in the print there. And I’m afraid also other things do not work.

Can anyone help me? Can anyone imagine what might be giving this mistake?

Note: the image 3 is just to show that I imported the Aplication there in the Components in the script part.

Imagem 1

imagem 2

imagem 3

1 answer


This problem occurred to me when the request for the icons that were hosted on an external site gave some error, the way I found to adjust this was to install the icons in the project folder with:

npm install @mdi/font -D
yarn add @mdi/font -D


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