Function highcharter::hciconarray does not produce the icons on the chart


Viewed 61 times


The code below is in the documentation of package highcharter to the topic hciconarray:


 hciconarray(c("car", "truck", "plane"), c(75, 30, 20), icons = c("car", "truck", "plane")) %>%
       hc_theme_null(chart = list(backgroundColor = "#34495e"))

I tried to play it, but the icons are not generated:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I tried it on two computers (one with Linux and one with Windows), with the latest versions of R and R Studio installed. But the problem persists in both.

  • How to fix this problem and generate the chart with the icons normally?
  • Seems to be a function error. If you take icons = c("car", "truck", "plane") icons, circles, lozenges and squares appear. The same applies to the previous example, with icons = "child" no longer appear. Maybe send an email to maintainer("highcharter")?

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