How to pass a php variable to shell_exec


Viewed 128 times


How do I pass an input or select value as a variable to a shell_exec ?

I have the following form:

<form action="speedtest.php" method="POST" id="SpeedTest" class="form">
    <label>Quantidade de testes a serem executados: </label>
  <input type="tel" name="testes" class="testes" maxlength="1" required>
  <button type="submit" class="qts" value="Executar" onclick="Oculta('main')">Executar</button>

This form sends the amount of speed test runs that will be done on the server. Below I have the script that runs the speed tests:


shell_exec('/bin/speedtest -l');


The "value" variable coming from the input form would enter the middle of "Speedtest -l", for example, if you filled in 2 in the input that number would enter this way in shell_exec: Speedtest 2 -l

Any suggestions on how I can do this?

  • Someone who can help me with that ?

1 answer


I hope it helps


    $qtdteste = $_POST['testes'];

    shell_exec('/bin/speedtest '.$qtdteste.' -l');
  • 1

    I had already solved, but thank you very much for the answer, help someone when you need something like me.

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