Insert does not work


Viewed 93 times


I am trying to create a login log of my page, and store this information in the table stat however I am not succeeding and is not returning any error. I put an IF to signal if the inclusion was made.

My code is like this:

php connection.

define('HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB', 'kurmabi');
define('USER', 'root');
define('PASS', '');         

$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=' . HOST . ';dbname=' . DB . ';', USER, PASS);

index php.

ini_set('display_errors', true); 

    $usuario = 18;

    $navegador       = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    $sessao      = session_id();
    $meuip           = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
    $origem      = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $idioma      = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
    $servidor        = $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'];
    $visitada        = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $pais            = "<span id='country'></span>";
    $estado      = "<span id='state'></span>";
    $cidade      = "<span id='city'></span>";
    $lat             = "<span id='latitude'></span>";
    $long            = "<span id='longitude'></span>";
    $ip          = "<span id='ipv4'></span>";
    $hora_req       = date('H:i:s');
    $registro       = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    $sql = "INSERT INTO `stat` (`id_stat`, `navegador`, `ip_visitante`, `sessao`, `pais`, `estado`, `cidade`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `ip_meuservidor`, `hora_req`, `origem`, `idioma`, `servidor`, `visitada`, `registro`) VALUES (NULL, '$navegador', '$ip', '$sessao', '$pais', '$estado', '$cidade', '$lat', '$long', '$meuip', '$hora_req', '$origem', '$idioma', '$servidor', '$visitada', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";

    $insert = $conn->prepare($sql);

        echo "Yuhuuu!!!";
    } else {
        echo "Não foi";
  • You need to get the SQL error, the error_reporting does not inform it. Tries to give a print_r($insert->errorInfo()); in the else to see the error that returns. ->

  • Have you already tested this query directly in the database ? If so, what was the result you got ?

1 answer


The best way to use PDO is not like this, use the bindValue or bindParam.

I’ll leave an example using bindValue

$conexao = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=stackoverflow', 'root', '');

$usuario = 1;
$navegador = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

$sql = "UPDATE users SET navegador=:navegador WHERE id=:id";
$stmt = $conexao->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(":navegador", $navegador, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(":id", $usuario, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$data = $stmt->execute();
if ($data)
  echo "Banco de dados atualizado com sucesso!";
  echo "Houve um erro ao tentar atualizar o banco de dados!";

remembering the name on query should be the same in bindValue

If you need help see the link: Pdostatement::bindValue

  • I was able to do the insertion with your instructions, but it didn’t have the desired effect. Ended up going to the tables the records ":name" instead of the variable $name... :(

  • and because in the query I didn’t say which bank to run.

  • Artsher, thanks for the answer, but it still didn’t work. My code looks like this: $connection = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=kurmabi", 'root', '); $sql = "INSERT INTO stat (id_stat, navegador, usuario, (etc....)

  • the variables are $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $user = 18; Do the insertion but not with the correct values. In the "browser" field, instead of entering "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT.." is being inserted ":browser"

  • I edited the above code, I also tested if you are still having problems might be something else. table row data type.

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