Git - TFS - Ways to work with team versioning


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Good morning/late/evening!

Today where I work, we have 3 branches: dev, homologation and production;

Everything everyone on the team does, we go straight up the dev branch, everyone tests there goes up to homologation, users test, then goes up to production...

I would like to know ways of versioning and controlling that, I say I think having a branch for every person on the team, is more organized, has more control of who’s going up what and at what point in the project, but I still have some doubts about how some things work... Like, I’m pretty clueless about it, so maybe I’m being ignorant about it...


`--------- branch Joao

`--------- branch Maria

`--------- main branch

Before going up anything the person needs to pull from the Main and so climb to hers?

After climbing up hers like that to play for the Main and it’s right that I think that?

Another point is the example version: v1.0.10, v2.1.100. Is it possible to do this, go up with a control in the version? How can I research this, I can’t find anything I can understand... :/


I created a repository in git to do some tests, created 2 branches besides master:

Jose and Maria

I created a file at master and I’m trying to get this file on B. Jose and I’m not getting

I managed to get the master item from Jose...

Fim Edit

If anyone has any material that explains it in a simpler way, I am very grateful...

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  • I saw this one too, it helped me a lot

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    if you don’t want to use git-flow which is an extension of git you can use the concept, which is to create branches of Feature and Hotfix.. ;)

  • Got it, I was taking a look at tags tbm for verses (v1.11, v2.33.444)

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    This is semantic versioning, the numbers are in the order Major.Minor.Version.Build

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  • Thanks @André gave me a very good north to start

  • As answered in the comments, I believe that the Git Flow will help you a lot, just like the semantic versioning. Thus, the references below will be useful in the study/implementation process: - Git Flow - Semantic versioning I hope I’ve helped!

  • As was answered in the commentary and was not by you, I will not give answer solved by vc kkkkk... The merit is not yours...

  • @Leohenrique, even if it’s not you, take it as an example. If a user negative and avoids to mark the answer as the best response(the one that solves your problem), he ends up informing everyone else on the forum that this response nay was useful to the case, despite having been. To avoid this, I advise @Lucas Dittrich perform a editing of the question and mention the necessary sources or authorship.

  • What I want to say: it is very easy to get into several posts where the question was answered in the comments, create an answer and expect gratification for that... I think wrong and regardless of what is said by the forum, I think it wrong to gain advantage over other... It is my opinion and for this reason, I will not give the answer as the best for him (no case was not his merit the answer)

  • It’s much easier than studying the subject and posting something of your own...

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