jQuery - ASP.NET - Fields not accepting values with comma separation and ignoring decimal places


Viewed 22 times


For example, if I type 52,400 the system saves as 52,40 or if I type 5,000, it saves 5,0.
I’ve tried everything, but I can’t understand why the system is suppressing these decimal places.

My code

public class EstoqueDaEmbarcacao : Entity
    public decimal AguaCarregada { get; set; }

    public decimal DieselCarregado { get; set; }


function preencherDadosEstoque(barcoId) {
    $("#estoque-barco-nome").val($("#selectEmbarcacao option:selected").text());
function salvarEstoque() {
    var barcoId = $("#estoque-barco-id").val();
    var agua = $("#estoque-barco-agua").val().replace(",", ".");
    var diesel = $("#estoque-barco-diesel").val().replace(",", ".");
    var data = JSON.stringify({ AguaCarregada: parseFloat(agua), DieselCarregado: parseFloat(diesel), BarcoId: barcoId });
    if (agua == "" || diesel == "") {
        $("#message-estoque").html("Preencha todos os campos para continuar");
        url: "/InfoApontamento/AtualizarEstoqueBarco",
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        data: data,
        contentType: "application/json",
        success: function (result) {

            if (!result.Success) {

            else if (!result.Data) {
            else {
                alert("Salvo com sucesso!");
                // abrirModalManutencao();



<div class="col">
  <label for="embarcacaoInput">Água</label>
      <input type="number" step="0.01" class="form-control" id="estoque-barco-agua">
  <div class="col">
   <label for="embarcacaoInput">Diesel</label>
      <input type="number" step="0.01" class="form-control" id="estoque-barco-diesel">
  • left zeros for decimal type have no value.. If you need to save all decimals including zeros, use text (string), float or double.. I believe string solves your problem

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