Update: ASP + Access


Viewed 48 times


I am trying to update an ACCESS table on my website, only it displays this error:

Microsoft Access Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[nome] ='.

/rh/func_update.asp, line 14

The code is this:

varnumero = Request.QueryString("num")

sql = "UPDATE funcionarios SET [ativo]='NAO' where [chapa] ="&varnumero&" ; "

set bd = Conexao.execute(sql) **linha 14 é essa**



  • @Lidiane_fernandes try so in the line of your SELECT : sql = "UPDATE funcionarios SET [ativo]='NAO' where [chapa] ='" & varnumero &"'"

  • @Edvaldolucena bom dia Edvaldo, thanks for helping, gave this message here now Microsoft Access Database Engine error '80040e07' Data type Mismatch in criteria Expression. /Rh/func_update.Asp, line 14

  • Another error, however in the same line that was already showing error ... The test title varnumero = Request.QueryString("num") response.write (varnumero) and comment the rest of the code and check if the variable is loading some value.

  • @Edvaldolucena it brings the value yes, I was trying to update the code 41 and brought in the url, in case it is loading the value, right?

  • your code in thesis is updating a record and in sequence is redirecting to another page, it would be interesting for you to validate if really your variable varnumero has some value.

  • can post page code in full ?

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1 answer


Edvaldo, desculpa a demora, o código é esse abaixo

<!--#include file="connect.asp"-->
<TITLE>..:: Funcionarios ::..</TITLE>
<BASE target="_top">
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="\heva.css" TYPE="text/css">
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="180">

</HEAD><center><TR align=center>
          <TD valign=top width=695 align=middle class="style6">
                <IMG border=0 src="rh4.png" 
                    style="height: 124px; width: 957px; text-align: center;"><br />

function enviar(nome)

    var num;
    num = 'func_update.asp?num='+nome; 



varnumero = Request.querystring("numero")

Set bd  = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set bd  = conexao.execute("SELECT * FROM funcionarios WHERE ATIVO='SIM' and ano>=2000 order by secao asc,nome ")

Session.LCID = 1046


<INPUT type=hidden name="ComandoSQL" value="<%=ComandoSQL%>">
<INPUT type=hidden name="Conexao" value="<%=Constr%>">

<TABLE border=1 bordercolor="darkgreen" style="width: 960px; margin-left: 0px">
  <TR bgcolor=green>
    <TD align="center"><B style=color:"white">SETOR</B></TD>
    <TD align="center"><B style=color:"white">NOME</B></TD>
    <TD align="center"><B style=color:"white">CARGO</B></TD>
    <TD align="center"><B style=color:"white">EXCLUIR</B></TD>

<% while not bd.eof %>
    <td align="center" ><input class="style5" type="button" value="Excluir" 
                  onclick="window.location.href=('func_update.asp?<%=bd("chapa")%>');" /></td>   




Set bd = Nothing
Set Conexao = Nothing

        <P align=center>
            <A href="javascript:history.back();">
  • managed to solve the problem ?

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