Enter lower case/upper case in C


Viewed 115 times


How do I independent of the user typing the letter in lower or upper case read by scanf_s?

printf("\nVocê gostou do nosso produto?\n" 
            "\n[S] - Sim"
            "\n[N] - Não\n\n"
scanf_s(" %c", &p);
  • You want the entire input to be formatted to minuscule or uppercase ?

  • 2

    Every "letter" is read by scanf, either uppercase or lowercase. If you’re having trouble, it’s definitely not in the code you posted. It would be important to [Dit] and provide a [mcve] of the problem. Most likely your question is a XY problem.

1 answer


Use the function toupper of <ctype.h>. After your scanf do:

p = toupper(p);

that p will be capitalized regardless of whether it has been typed in upper or lower case.

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