Search last access record with MYSQL


Viewed 127 times


Suppose I have the table clientes:

| ID| Cliente |    Data_Registro     |
| 7 | Joaquim | 2019-07-17 09:45:00  |
| 6 | Timóteo | 2019-07-16 07:42:00  |
| 5 | Timóteo | 2019-07-13 07:42:00  |
| 4 | Joaquim | 2019-07-11 07:42:00  |
| 3 | Gallvão | 2019-07-11 15:42:00  |
| 2 | Gallvão | 2019-07-11 15:41:00  |
| 1 | Gallvão | 2019-06-11 07:00:00  |

This table stores the dates and times that clients accessed my system, as I could do an SQL (Mysql) query to be able to list the last accesses of each client, for example:

| ID| Cliente |    Data_Registro     |
| 7 | Joaquim | 2019-07-17 09:45:00  |
| 6 | Timóteo | 2019-07-16 07:42:00  |
| 3 | Gallvão | 2019-07-11 15:42:00  |

I tried to use DISTINCT only that the date disturbs me displaying more than one result per customer.

I tried with the following SQL but did not return the last date.


2 answers


Use the GROUP BY clause with the MAX aggregation function:

SELECT Cliente, MAX(Data_Registro) 
FROM clientes
GROUP BY Cliente
ORDER BY Cliente;
  • Complementing the reply of friend @anonimo, I put the ID, Client and Data in the query: SELECT id,
 max(Data_Registro) AS Data_Registro
FROM SuaTabela 
 GROUP BY Cliente;

  • I was doing the answer, but @anonimo was faster, so you can test the solution online, follows example

  • Perfect! It worked beauty! I forgot this MAX()

  • Wonderful, thank you! It worked.

  • @Edvaldo Lucena: just making it clear that although this construction works on Mysql it does not comply with the SQL-92 standard and does not work on other DBMS.

  • Oracle works, and I believe it meets SQL-92 @aninomo

  • As long as there is a functional dependency, which is not the case of ID and Client above.

  • @anonimo did not understand your statement, but as you managed to help the colleague, it is ok.

  • 1

    See documentation:

  • anonimo, can you answer my question? each user

  • can you answer my question? each user

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From what I understand, you want to do a consultation of the last customers who had access

You could try doing it this way

select Cliente, Data_Registro from *tabela* where (select max( Data_Registro) from *tabela*) group by Cliente

hope I’ve helped.

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