Error running the React application on android emulator


Viewed 1,699 times


**error emulator**

I can’t open an React Native project in the emulator, I’ve tried using Genymotion and Android Studio but always the same error occurs when I run: sudo react-native run-android

27 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 25 up-to-date
/bin/sh: 1: adb: not found
info Connecting to the development server...
warn Failed to connect to development server using "adb reverse": spawnSync adb ENOENT
info Starting the app...

3 answers


The Error indicates that the adb was not found:

/bin/sh: 1: adb: not found 

Probably if you try to use the command adb devices in your terminal it must report the same error.

One solution for this is you add to $PATH system: the location of the platform-tools/ of his android-sdk, example:

export PATH

On my computer I leave this command at the end of the file .bashrc which is in my user directory: /home/meu-usuario

Lembando that if you add the command to .bashrc you will need to 'reload' that file, for this you can use the command source[1] [2]:

$ source ~/.bashrc

~/ shortcut to current user directory [1], that is, in my case /home/meu-usuario


As Icaro said, you need to set or export the folder where adb.exe is for the PATH environment variable, try to see if it is there with

echo $PATH | grep platform-tools.

If not, you will need to check where the platform-tools (when you installed Android SDK via Android Studio) and edit your $PATH accordingly:

export PATH=$PATH:</caminho/para/seu/Android/Sdk/platform-tools>


adb -s reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

you have to enter this in your terminal to connect with the device connected via usb

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